

75 words or more

Not the number of words in this post... although you probably will only read that many, I know you all just want to see the adorable pictures! That's the number of words Kai can say (that we or at least I) can understand! So smart, I know.

So she's officially on her way to becoming a two-year old... 18 months old and counting. Where has the time gone? Here are her stats from her check-up:

Height: 30 3/4" - 23rd percentile

Weight: 23 lbs 4 oz - 34th percentile

Head: 46cm - 34th percentile

Doctor said she was perfect! I couldn't agree more... :-) I'll spare you the complete list of words, but here are some of her favorites (and what they actually sound like):

poo-poo.... sounds exactly like it's supposed to

teeth... tee... always accompained by moving her potty stool to the sink in an effort to brush her teeth (or at least eat the toddle toothpaste of the brush)

helicopter.... sounds like hell-caw-ter.... shawn taught her this one!

peek-a-boo.... sounds like pee-boo... also a synonym for yo gabba gabba... which sounds like o-bah-bah

cheese... still one of her favorite foods

water... sounds like agua... how do you like our little splanglish speaking baby?

elmo.... she can ennunciate this one perfectly, much to my shagrin

oh, i could go on, but why bore you with the erudite language of a toddler, when i can show you pictures?

The fourth of July finally rolled around and Kai got to finally wear this adorable outfit from aunt jenn... unfortunately the festivities were cut short because Kai got sick that night... ended up with croup... it was awful! She sounded like a bulldog when she was sleeping.

Here's our little fashionista sporting her shades

And shopping for some more...

We decided to get her a more sophisticated potty than the one we had bought at Ikea... this one supposedly plays a little tune after you do your business... not that we would know anything about that... she goes poop on the big potty if we can get her there in time... otherwise, she'll sometimes sit on it for a bit to catch up on the latest book.

We've had to get creative with things to do on the weekends... usually it's too hot, but that didn't stop us from checking out the railroad park in scottsdale a couple of weeks ago. We were the only ones on this little train (probably because everyone else was smart and stayed indoors)...

Kai also rode the carousel... i tried to get a good pic, but it was going really fast! She was so cute, she would smile and laugh everytime it came back around to where i was.

Since Shawn doesn't have a house to work on, he has to be a little more creative to stay busy. He built Kai this car a few days ago.

And last but not least, we ventured out to a nearby ghost town (about 20 minutes east of us)... the train there was advertised to take 20 minutes, so we thought it would be worth it... what they didn't say was that it only went about 2 mph and you had to listen to a bearded mountain man talk about the legends behind the superstition mountains.

All I could think about was how creepy this place was... can you blame me?

That's all folks! Shawn's birthday is Monday and we're heading to Texas by way of Okmulgee, OK in a couple of weeks! We should get lots of good photos. Until then...

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