

a girl's gotta shop!

shawn and i signed up for childbirth education classes prior to baby... at our first class i was surprised to see a couple of former classmates (go IHS)... little did i know that the wife of one would become a dear friend...

the first time we hung out was an afternoon trip to babies r us after i took maternity leave but about a week before i had kai.. it was the 13th... the whole time, annie joked about how scared she was my water would break while we were out and about... she was due 5 weeks later.

we got home and annie left my house to go home...i got a phone call about 15 minutes later and since i didn't answer, a text message a few minutes later "my water broke!"

needless to say, annie gave birth to magnolia that evening (and I was a tad bit jealous!)

these days, you'd hardly know noli was 5 weeks early! she and kai have already become BFF - sporting matching strollers and the question "are they twins" every 15 minutes while shopping

on another note... here's our new dining room chandelier - rehabbed by my very handy husband, donated by the andersons:


Vonda said...

You absolutely can add a link to my blog on yours. Thanks for asking. Your kids are incredibly cute. spelling is probably not accurate on "incredibly"

MamaCass said...

This is an awesome story! So glad Kairi has found a BFF! Can't wait until this weekend. You are going right?