

one marvelous month

so "technically" i'm a day late - but to me, it's still Kai's one month birthday! everyone seems to want to know her sleeping habits... so here's a normal schedule in the day of our lives:

12 AM - settle into deep sleep until...

3-4ish - rouse for feeding, settle sometimes quite quickly back into sleep until...

7-8ish - rouse for midmorning snack - mom tries to stay awake but joins me rather quickly in midmorning nap

11:30ish - rouse for lunch - mom stays up for good after this feeding, i usually fall asleep just as dad is getting home for lunch which gives mom time to take a shower and get me ready to run errands if we need to

3-4ish - rouse for mid afternoon snack - it's a little harder for me to fall asleep after this meal - i like to check out our house, especially the ceiling

8 ish - wake up for late dinner - sometimes i stay awake after this feeding until the next one - i'm a party animal!

11ish - midnight snack and sleep (i've let mom and dad sleep till 5 a couple of times!)

here's me waking up from a nap today:

aren't i cute?

also, her belly button has completely healed and i wanted to take a picture, because let's face it, i'm her mother and think everything about her is adorable... but do you know how difficult it is to get a picture of a newborn's belly? i can't use the flash because it's way too bright and if i turn it off, she squirms too much for it to take a clear picture... but take my word for it, it's precious

we should've gone for her one month check up this week, but we're switching pediatricians and the soonest they had was next friday - i'm anxious to see how much the little monkey weighs... hmm... maybe i'll do a poll...

well, expect some more pictures after sunday, being easter and all - until then sweet dreams:


Unknown said...

She is so cute! Congratulations on surviving your 1st month. It looks like she is on a good schedule and hopefully by next month she'll start sleeping through the night for you!

--Beth Shank

Anonymous said...

She is precious. We can't wait to meet her. Let me tell you you have it really good because my precious little one would wake-up every 2-3 hours for 2 months. He now sleeps sleeps through the night (9ish-6ish).

See you...Norma

MamaCass said...

Gosh, it's only been a few weeks since i have seen her and she has changed so much. Sounds like she is on a pretty good schedule. Good job momma!