Gosh, so busy with the new house, haven't had time to update this blog! If you have time, check out the house blog.... http://thehouseonmarblestreet.blogspot.com
Since the last time I posted, gosh, we've had Thanksgiving, Christmas and Kai's first haircut... and next week, the little booger will be TWO! Can you believe it? She acts every bit of the terrible two, especially when we're out and about... like at Lowe's for the 50th time in one week.
We stayed in Arizona for Thanksgiving, but Shawn's dad came out. We had a wonderful dinner (including my first turkey!) at our friend Jill's house. Jill is a dear friend from college that is fortunate enough to be able to spend time here once a month or so. I love being able to see her so often! My good friend Tyna, another friend from college, lives in the area as well, and was able to join our feast too. I felt very blessed to spend Thanksgiving with such dear friends! The pictures are on facebook, and i can't seem to locate them right now, so if you'd like to see, send me an email.
Before the holidays, we headed out to the Phoenix Zoo for Zoolights. Before the sun set, however, we hiked up to the hole in the rock close by and took some family photos.

Zoolights was pretty cool, lots of light displays like this one

And a choreographed tree light show to music. We rode the carousel and drank hot chocolate and had a really nice time, except that it was pretty cold. :)

We also had this picture taken of Kai for a fundraiser for my MOPS group. It was a hit with the grandparents, and especially the great-grandparents this Christmas!

We closed on our new house on December 22nd, I took my Anatomy final and we loaded up the mini-van and headed to Texas. We made it just in time for the "blizzard" of 09... and a white Christmas!
Here's Kai bundled up with AJ waiting for the snow to come.

Opening presents at Pepaws house... including a tricycle!

And jamming to the Yo Gabba Gabba Plex Piano from Aunt Jenny

Snow at Gramma and Pop Pop's House on Christmas Day!

Visiting with old-time BFF Noli, sharing some colors

Watching MORE snow fall out the window!


And running in heels, pushing the walmart shopping cart... awesome.

See the mullet above? We decided to go ahead and get baby's first haircut while we were in town... and her mullet became no more on Dec 31, 2009.

That's all for now folks! The next post will be Disneyland and birthday pics!