

our house, is a very, very, very fine house!

so... some of you have heard the news that we are most likely relocating to phoenix in a couple of months! it is exciting and scary to think about... and nothing's official yet, so i hope we're not getting our hopes up in vain... but we've put the house on the market anyway. we scrambled like mad, and thanks to the habitat for humanity store, were able to put our finishing touches on updating the home before sunday... when we had our first showing!

here are some pics of the house in all it's glory:

our austin trip, kai's party and a trip to the arboretum coming soon!


Greers said...

Such a shame you get it so beaufitul and perfect and you might be moving! I hope someone comes along and enjoys it and respects all the time and effort you guys put into it - it's absolutely gorgeous!!

Rachel and Travis said...

The house looks amazing!! You don't really want to move, do you? :)

Anonymous said...

the house looks so great! you guys did an amazing job.


MamaCass said...

The house looks great. Y'all need to have one last shindig before you move!

carolyn said...

the house is amazing! wow, i love your colors, lights & patio - neat water feature, too :) what's up with phoenix?! how exciting - keep us posted :)