

five months!

Today is Kai's five month birthday... we celebrated by going shopping with the girls at Northpark... she totally had a good time... especially in spite of the last couple of days... we've been having major moodiness for the past few days marked with eating every hour or so in the evenings... i think she was going through a growth spurt and making me up the milk production... because today was MUCH better and i think she drank more in one sitting than she has in a couple of months! so, hopefully the crankiness is over for now.... it was really, really beginning to wear on me... physically and psychologically!

In other news, Kai has almost mastered sitting up by herself... check out this video:

why are you sitting on my rug mr. octopus?

she also ate some rice cereal with mama's milk a few days ago (trying to help with the insatiable appetite!) she did really well and seemed to like it in spite of the face below:

she wanted to feed herself i think!

let's see... what else, we've been swimming a few times in our new pool - the one that sent shawn to the ER... i'll try to get some pictures later this week... thankfully she's a total water baby! i don't know what i'd do if i had a child that didn't like the water!

as far as shawn goes... we got word back that his vitamin levels are ok... so i guess that means they've ruled out a vitamin deficiency as the cause of the anemia... so that just means more tests.... he's feeling fine and spent all day yesterday cleaning up the backyard (it looks great by the way... we're ready for a bbq now) we'll keep everyone posted!


Vanessa said...

What a cutiepie!!! I love the way she says "hello". :D

MamaCass said...

I think she is just ready to sit up and start moving on her own. She's so close. Missed you both today but glad we got to swim on Tuesday!