Many people have asked what the baby's middle name is, or maybe given us a strange look when they hear what it is. It is not a common name but it is a living memorial to Shawn's mother, Candy, who passed away when Shawn was 7. His aunt Deanne wrote this poem about her after her death, and his Grandma shared it with us a few weeks ago. Some of you undoubtedly know the story of Shawn's mother, and I still learn new details daily. I love visiting with Shawn's grandmother because she tells us stories about Candy. The poem below talks about her life after a major accident in which she was run over by a car. She survived and as you will read recovered beyond any doctor's prognosis. As my first mother's day approaches, I find myself thinking about how our life would be different if Candy was still with us, if I had ever met her. I wanted to post this as a tribute to Kairi's paternal grandmother, and namesake, who is only able to be with us in spirit.
They said she would never be able to walk again...
but she did.
They said she would never be able to hold down a job or live on her own…
but she did.
They even said this 27-year old should be put in a nursing home…
but she did not go.
This young woman of conquest was not overly athletic,
overly ambitious, or
overly educated.
She might even appear to be quite average,
but she was not.
She had atremendous will to live,
to thrive,
to be made whole again.
Her spirit is an inspiration to me daily.
I saw her just 12 hours after the accident.
Was this the same girl I had known my entire life?
I wasn’t even sure at first.
It was not the body I had known.
This one was hopelessly damaged.
It hurt to look at her.
My honest hope was that the good Lord
would take her quickly
and not let her suffer...
not let me suffer.
She had a different hope, however, and she did live.
She came out of the coma
and was with us once more.
Her will to live was so strong and sure
…a miracle to me…
pure determination to her.
The machines that pushed air into her lungs were at last unplugged.
The tubes that fed her were disconnected sometime later.
She was truly on her own.
Her legs,
useless for so long,
were urged on by her deeply committed will not only to live,
but to thrive.
Month after month of painful therapy and her perseverance made
that pair of misshapen legs move once again.
She left the hospital after nine long months.
She found a place to live that met her special needs.
A large department store even allowed her to work with the public.
She would greet her customers
with the throaty rasp of one with a tracheotomy,
and would walk in her own special way
towards the cash register to ring up their purchases.
She had made it!
She had accomplished her goal!
She was thriving.
Without warning, the Lord took her away.
He took her away from me
and you who never had a chance to know this person with so much life.
Her enthusiasm was infectious.
Her love of life well documented.
I am so proud to call this
woman of determination my sister.