So, i'm realizing that becoming a parent is a bit scary. The latest fear factor: vaccinations.
Did you know that in the late seventies-early eighties (when Shawn and I were born), 1 in 10,000 kids was diagnosed as autistic?
Today it is approximately 1 in 100.
What is going on?
Lots of people think it has to do with the increased amount of required vaccinations. In doing some research, I found that pharmecutical companies use a preservative called Thermisol in vaccinations that contains a form of mercury. It was "banned" in 1999, but not taken out of the system.
Everything you read says that pregnant women should avoid excessive amounts of fish because of the mercury. Exposure to mercury leads to neurological damage. Infants are highly susceptible to the damage caused by mercury.
So here's my question. Why are we injecting infants with approximately 30 vaccinations containing mercury before they are a year old? By the way, children of the eighties were given only 8!
The flu vaccine is one of the only ones left that is allowed to contain this preservative. It's actually allowed - and they really push that stinking flu vaccine. I've never had one, nor the flu.
All of the government health organizations claim there is not enough evidence to link vaccinations with autism. But there also wasn't enough evidence at one point in time to link asbestos with lung problems.
I'm hoping that I will find a pediatrician that will allow me to exercise freedom in giving our baby girl vaccinations. I'm concerned for especially the uneducated in our nation (i usually end up teaching their children)... and wonder how common autism will have to become before something is done about not just treating it, but figuring out where it's coming from.
I'm pretty tired of greedy people putting the public at risk for dollars. I'm tired of the links between big money and our government. I certainly don't intend to knowingly put harmful chemicals into my baby's body so that companies like Merck can continue to get richer and richer. I wish we could trust the "people" that are supposed to be helping us stay healthy... but I don't think we can.
Each day becomes a bit more scary... it makes the labor and delivery part seem like the least of my worries now.
I think you have to weigh the good and the bad with the vaccination thing. I totally understand where you are coming from. I didn't know about the mercury thing-that is scary. But I am definitely pro vaccine just because I don't want to take the chance of Tobey coming down with one of these illnesses. I don't think you should blame the vaccines entirely for autism. I think back in the eighties alot of kids went undiagnosed with autism and now it is recognised much sooner. There alot of factors that come into play such as the environment, pollutants, viral infections, metabolic imbalances. And genetics. From what I have read about autism it seems that babies are either born with autism or a predisposition to develop autism. They definitely need to do more research though. These are just my opinions. I love you Suzanne!
what interesting & scary stats! thank you for posting- my mom & i had our amalgam fillings removed from our teeth b/c of the mercury and our fear of its possible link to alzheimer's (my grandma had alzheimer's for 15+ years...) troy's on a "cure autism now" board here in philly and i'll ask him what kind of info they have regarding vaccines... really interesting, thanks for passing along your research!
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