

so much to post, so little time!

so i have been dragging my feet big time on posting! so sorry! i officially have a toddler now, so i'm definitely not literally dragging my feet, rather, following her around all day long... so i'm pretty wiped out by the time she hits the hay... and we also rediscovered my nintendo ds, so i've succumbed to the video game gods more than i'd like to admit.

anyhoo... you probably want to know what's going on in the world of kai!

well, she flew through her first christmas with flying colors... and made out like a bandit! and believe it or not, we're gearing up for her 1st birthday, which is in less than 2 weeks! everyday she amazes us with new tricks, here's a list of what our little genius child can do:

  • speak in tongues - we have no idea what she's saying, but she talks all day long
  • walk backwards - and forwards and sideways and speedily and like a drum major
  • climb - as long as it's no higher than a foot or so off the ground (she's a munchkin!)
  • sit on a seat - as long as it's no higher than about 4 inches (again, she's a munchkin)
  • squat - how i envy her agility
  • bite - she hasn't bit us yet (thank goodness!) but she can bite off pieces of food with her silly front teeth
  • itsy bitsy spider - one day she was playing with her fingers so i started singing it to her... now when i sing it, she automatically does the hand motions
  • bathtime - we say the word, she does a beeline for the bathroom! (totally GT, i know)
  • diaper - a couple of times, she's brought me a diaper and is, as a matter of fact, in need of a new one
  • love lucy, or daddy, or mommy, or her dolly, or a stuffed animal - but especially lucy - she'll walk up to her and give her a big hug and say "awwww"
  • waving bye-bye  - you know, the whole open/close fist thing they do
  • feed the fishies - we say it, she goes to the tank
  • sing - she doesn't quite have the range of mariah carey, but she's getting there
  • dance - is anything cuter than a baby dancing, i think not
  • play the recorder - ok, i know you think i'm crazy, but she does and i have video to prove it
  • barks - she couldn't do a voice over for a dog, but she does copy lucy (especially if lucy's barking at the door to come inside)
  • laundry - she is a pro at closing the dryer door, and also taking folded laundry out of the basket... we're working on putting it back in
  • sweeping - she holds the dustpan for me... ok, not really, she usually grabs a fistful of dust but i tell her she's a good helper anyway
  • type - or rather bang the keyboard.
  • text - she totally texted annie the other day

do you think i should go ahead and test her? just kidding.

we haven't heard many intelligible words (although others swear they have)... here's a list of some words we think she knows.

  • daddy - alot of times, no matter what she's saying it sounds like dada... of course shawn thinks she's always talking about him, but i know better
  • dog - again, quite indistinguishable from dada... but she does use only one syllable
  • cat - that one's a stretch... it actually sounds more like kitty
  • fishie - which sounds more like shhhhishhhhhee
  • mama - but she only says it when she's crying (awesome, i know)
  • thank you - more like ehnk ew (and not very often!)
  • hi - which is more like heh!

so i guess that's all for now... i'll try to be better at updating again. we're working on the back room that used to look like a garage and it's going to look awesome! i can't wait to post pics. also, we're heading to austin for mine and kai's actual birthdays, and of course her first birthday party is coming up... so there's lots to share in the coming weeks!

hope everyone is doing well! love to you all!

ps... if you didn't get a holiday card, don't hate... we grossly underestimated the number we would need, so i didn't get to send one to everyone i wanted to... we'll get you next year, promise!

here's a copy for your digital files:

enjoy our latest pics (by the way, if you skipped all the wordage, you really should go back and read it... funniest post yet, comic genius, will make your day):

piano time with dr. doe and addie

mommy finally finished (kinda) our stockings on christmas eve

mommy and kai on christmas eve

what a cool present!

ummmm, could you guys hurry up already?



let's see if this is the right size...

go ahead and say it...  cutest baby ever! i know!